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Simon McLevie Elected to ITS Australia Board of Directors

By Sean Mitchell
Fri, 17th Feb 2023

Cubic Transportation Systems (CTS) has announced that Simon McLevie, its VP of Business Development and Managing Director for Asia/New Zealand, has been elected to the board of directors of Intelligent Transport Systems Australia (ITS Australia). ITS Australia is an organization that promotes intelligent transport solutions across all public and private modes throughout the country. It comprises more than 100 member organizations across government, industry and academia.

Susan Harris, CEO of ITS Australia, stated that CTS is a key player in advancing integrated and efficient mobility in Australia, helping to make transport networks smarter across the country. Harris added that McLevie’s clear understanding of the industry and his close collaborations with transportation agencies in the region will make him a valuable addition to the board.

McLevie has been with CTS for eight years and is responsible for the entire Asia Pacific region. He has played a key leadership role in the expansion of the New South Wales (NSW) Opal system to include open payment technology. McLevie has also been involved in the advancement of public transport in Queensland with the Smart Ticketing project. Most recently, he led the team in securing the National Ticketing Solution contract for New Zealand. His work with CTS has consistently demonstrated that the local team is positioned to deliver solutions that meet the needs of regional users and maintain customer trust.

McLevie stated that with a majority of Australians spending over an hour a day using transport, the opportunity for intelligent transport systems to make a significant, meaningful impact on improving the lives of all Australians is clear. ITS Australia is a leading light in fostering partnerships and bringing together government and industry, delivering innovative solutions to improve the lives of Australians. He proudly represents their members on the board of ITS Australia.

Cubic Corporation creates and delivers technology solutions in transportation that make people’s lives easier by simplifying their daily journeys, and defense capabilities that help promote mission success and safety for those who serve their nation. Cubic Transportation Systems (CTS) is an industry-leading integrator of payment and information solutions and related services for intelligent travel applications. CTS delivers integrated systems for transportation and traffic management, delivering tools for travelers to choose the smartest and easiest way to travel and pay for their journeys, and enabling transportation authorities and agencies to manage demand across the entire transportation network.

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