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Queensland Government appoints Chris McLaren as Chief Customer and Digital Officer

By Zach Thompson
Fri, 25th Mar 2022

Following an extensive recruitment process, a new Chief Customer and Digital Officer (CCDO) for Queensland has been appointed.

Minister for Digital Economy Leeanne Enoch says Mr Chris McLaren would commence in this important role from April 4 2022.

"I am pleased to announce that Chris is joining the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy in this senior role next month," Ms Enoch says.

"The CCDO role has a unique focus on driving our state's digital economy and ensuring that government services are transformed, digitised, connected and accessible for all Queenslanders.

"Chris has a successful 25-year track record in Australia, the United States of America and the United Kingdom, as a senior executive leading, growing, transforming and advising industries, including technology, telecom, utility, energy, services and software Organisations.

"He specialises in digital enablement and transformation, customer experience, operations improvement and technology innovation.

"This experience is a great fit for this role, which is responsible for digital improvements that streamline and integrate services, develop digital business models, support agile and contemporary ways of working, and modernise our government's approach to procurement, funding, investment and governance.

"I look forward to Chris commencing in this role and seeing what can be achieved as we focus on driving Queensland's digital economy, delivering better citizen-centric services and optimising the Queensland Government's investment and use of technology."

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